Executive Search & Recruitment

Efficient and quicker selection of skilled talent

The biggest challenge for HR is to hire, retain and manage best talent. Rising Phoenix allows you to relieve your internal resources from this burden by outsourcing this time-consuming yet crucial function to Search experts. Additionally, recruitment outsourcing helps streamlining the hiring process, hiring the right talent and reducing attrition rates. Our specialization lies in talent search for middle to top-level management.

Services offered:

  • Talent Identification and Selection
  • Total Recruitment Management and Administration
“Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves.”
Ken Robinson

  • Rising Phoenix specializes in HR Consulting and integrated end-to-end HR Outsourcing solutions. Our innovative solutions are designed to maximize value of “people assets”– the most crucial investment of every organisation!
Contact Info
  • recruitments@risingphoenix.co.in
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